Ready to assist with any pest control issues

T & C's

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

iQ Pest Control require payment in full at the time of booking to confirm your Pest Technician, equipment and appointment. 

Failure to provide iQ Pest Control 24 hours notice to cancel your pest control visit you will incur an admin fee of £90.

By signing the treatment report or confirming by email, you agree to following terms.

  1. Where it becomes necessary for the technician to leave bait stations, baits, traps and monitoring devices the customer will not tamper, touch or remove this equipment. This equipment remains the property of iQ Pest Control and will be collected at the end of treatment.

  2. The customer will provide free of charge all necessary light, hot water and other facilities that may be required to enable our technician to carry out the work.

  3. Our Technicians must be able to gain access to the relevant rooms and areas on the days when the works are being carried out: we will schedule appointments on public holidays.

  4. Failure to provide iQ Pest Control 24 hours notice to cancel your pest control visit you will incur a call out charge of £90.

  5. Please note all cancelled pest control treatments incur a £25 administration fee.

  6. All matters of pest control and the customer shall remain confidential.

  7. The term "pest control" does not mean the total eradication of all pests, but those that have been identified at the beginning of your treatment.

  8. By signing the treatment report you have indicated that you understand that you must complete all recommendations before your next scheduled visit as failure to do so will incur further re-infestations and treatments will need to begin from the stage one.

  9. It may be necessary when surveying a property that we take photos and or videos of the property.

  10. Please note we use wire wool. Please be mindful of loose parts and vacuum clean the area when we have left.

  11. For rat treatments, we request that droppings are not removed in between visits. As this can disturb our treatment process.

  12. Working Arrangements: All prices quoted are calculated on the basis of free access and unimpeded working during our normal working hours (8am – 5pm Mon – Fri), unless otherwise agreed. 

  13. In the event of unforeseen difficulties arising or any other circumstantial changes the quoted price or estimated cost may be revised to reflect the situation at hand. 

  14. An £90 per hour charge will incur if our technicians are waiting on site and no one is at the property as arranged to provide access. Should you wish to leave keys with iQ Pest Control for works this must be stated when confirming works and key collection to be arranged with the office.

  15. We will endeavour to employ a helpful attitude at all times and will always attempt to bring the building works to a satisfactory conclusion as soon as possible taking into account weather conditions and availability of specialist materials and unforeseen circumstances, etc.